We must never be scared of success, and we will achieve a lot


From that very first day of my year in office, one of the main things to look forward to and work towards was Intro Week, and thankfully now I can say that Intro Week 2010 was a resounding success. It was without doubt one of the toughest but rewarding weeks of work I have ever done, no one likes having to pull 17 hour shifts at the best of times but this week it was definitely worth it. One of the great things about Intro Week is the Freshers’ Fair where all clubs and societies can talk to some of their prospective new members and try to have them sign up to their activity whatever it may be.

This year though, due to the extremely high levels of intake at the university, all the clubs I spoke to on the day informed me that their number of sign ups had gone through the roof. This is testament to the fact that the sport at Lancaster is beginning to excel itself and push through the long established and somewhat self imposed limits that we have placed on it. The only issue with this massive level of interest however is making sure that enough people get enough playing or training time for their cash, and that is something that myself and the clubs execs will be working on. It is all well and good for the University to open its doors to many more people than usual, but it will no doubt have something to say if the facilities which our clubs use are being pushed to their very limit due to so many people taking part in activities.

This successful intake however has filtered down to the college level too with many teams indicating that they have not just a high number of players, but good quality ones too. I cannot wait to see just how the college leagues turn out this year, but they seem to be anyone’s to win, and that’s exactly how it should be.

We must never be scared of success, and this year I think we will achieve a heck of a lot- not just on a team basis, but as a collective. Sport is definitely heading in the right direction, let’s just make sure it goes precisely where we want it to.

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