SCAN strives for the highest journalism standard and publishing quality. Our operation is guided by the SCAN constitution and other relevant regulations of the Students’ Union. In addition, we have a set of policies that cover other aspects of the publication.


Any member of the Lancaster University Students’ Union may contribute to this publication through this website or through other ways deemed suitable by the Editorial Committee. However, publication of any contribution is at the absolute discretion of the Committee.

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We aim to present students’ opinions in a fair and balanced manner in this publication. However as the Union’s organ, we would naturally align ourselves with LUSU and thus our editorial stances would naturally reflect the current policies of the Union. We welcome constructive criticisms and alternative views, though they may not be given prominence in this publication. Personal opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Editorial Committee or of the publisher, LUSU.

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All contents on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License, with the exception of:

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  1. Appropriate attribution is made to the author of the content (ie contributor’s name) and to SCAN; and
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