Lancaster University Officer Elections
LUSU Election 2023: Who Are The Candidates?


Ahead of Results Night, SCAN asked each candidate to explain the three main reasons why they should be elected as either a Full-Time Officer (FTO) or a Liberation Campaign Officer (LCO). Don’t worry, we’ve included descriptions of all the roles in case this is your first time voting.

Full-Time Officer Candidates:

President: Currently India Ellis, the SU President is responsible for the general running of the Students’ Union, coordinating with all departments and staff.

Candidate: Nicolae Popescu


  1. In a university where students depend on food handouts I want to increase the funding for the Lancaster Opportunity and Access Fund (LOAF), which currently stands at £500,000. Due to the Cost-of-Living Crisis, money keeps depleting rapidly from the fund. As the Cost of Living only stands to worsen in the years to come we need to fix this issue now and not rely on food handouts. 
  2. Secondly, as President I want to represent our students. Which is why I want to establish a permanent FTO stall at all Thursdays Farmers Markets. I want to talk with students and understand their concerns; something that the current Students’ Union didn’t bother doing this year. 
  3. Lastly, to lobby the university to establish a drug support programme where trained staff can support and advice students who want to recover from substance abuse and addictions. Currently our university signposts but doesn’t directly support students. By establishing a drug support programme, we also benefit from additional specialised staff, therefore decreasing the waiting times for our Counselling Services.

Candidate: Cerys Evans

Manifesto: No Response

VP Education: Currently Noah Katz, the VP Education speaks with students, staff, academic reps, and other Students’ Unions to ensure that Lancaster University students are getting the best education possible.

Candidate: Samuel Hedges


  1. Extensions and extenuating circumstances currently don’t work for students. The extensions system changes from department to department and can be confusing to navigate, especially since it is often accessed at times of high stress. I intend to implement a standardised extension form, and to give students a number of extensions without reason, reducing stress for all students.
  2. Academic Reps are a vital part of the educational infrastructure. Yet, both students and Academic Reps feel like this system isn’t working for them and are disengaging from it. I will encourage Academic Reps to work inter-departmentally to ensure that solutions are being shared throughout the university. Furthermore, I will overhaul the Academic Rep training so that there are shorter top-up sessions for any returning Reps.
  3. The Cost of Living Crisis is causing and will continue to cause negative impacts on students’ welfare and academic achievement. Many students talk about skipping meals to make ends meet. I will promote financial aid available from the SU and university, such as LOAF and College Scholarships to make sure students have enough in their pockets. I will push for a continuation and advancement of SU Breakfast & Supper Club, alongside college community cupboards for those struggling in this difficult time.

VP Societies and Media: Currently Danny Goodwin, the VP Societies and Media supports societies and student media groups throughout the year. They also led planning for both Freshers and Refreshers Fair.

Candidate: Santi Siabato


  1. Transparency and ease, continuing the work with the societies committee to resolve backlog of issues surrounding affiliation. Increasing visibility surrounding the work done by the SU and Societies
    Committee team through publishing minutes and actively promoting the work I do alongside the other FTOs on social media and the digital boards on campus.
  2. Representation for Societies and Media Groups working with VP Sports to help generate greater involvement and visibility for societies from both York and Lancaster for next years HOME ROSES! Friendly competitions between societies and having evenings of showcases where we can offer people to come watch acts and performances in the great hall with greater SU involvement.
  3. Societies and Sport Lancaster, setting up a student board to conduct an internal review of which societies are affiliated under Sport Lancaster- this will ensure sports based societies which
    are not currently listed as sport have equal access to the Sport Centres facilities that Sports have. Currently there is only £7,000 in funding for all 200 societies- I’m looking to increase this by continuing the work that is currently being done on the Student Access Fund.

VP Sport: Currently Megan Homburg, VP Sport oversees all sports teams and clubs at Lancaster. They are also involved in planning Freshers Fair and lead the Roses Committee throughout the varsity season.

Candidate: Jack Watson


  1. Facilitate the incoming changes to the structure of sport to the best of my ability. We’ve been promised a new structure since 2021, so my priority is ensuring these changes take place before we return in September and help all sports clubs in its infancy.
  2. Provide more support and communication to college and recreational sports teams. I am aware of some problems faced by these societies and want to further broaden my understanding of them, resolving these by working alongside clubs to come to a reasonable conclusion.
  3. Streamline the committee handover process by introducing a mandatory ‘Club Handover’ package and introduce regular ‘Sports Review Focus Groups’ between Captains and Presidents to encourage communication between each other and with LUSU.

VP Welfare: Currently Vic Phillips, The VP Welfare leads the Live Well Expo, and helps students, societies, and sports with welfare programmes.

Candidate: Josh Newsham


  1. Sugarhouse? Sugarhome! Ensuring night out safety and community representation at Sugarhouse
  2. Expand the Cost of Living Package. Continue the free food access fund and ensure the continuity of the COL Package
  3. Safe Drug Tests and Policy, Safe Drug Testing Kits in your SU as well as an educational campaign focused on harm reduction. Pushing for A University that Cares, A Union that Empowers and A Community that is Safe 

VP Union Development: Currently Callum Slater, the VP Union Development oversees commercial services such as The Sugarhouse, Central, and SU Living. They also work with College JCRs, monitoring democracy and governance.

Candidate: Tom Cross


  1. In terms of Cost-of-Living support a low-income bus pass subsidised by the Union would go a long way for people struggling at this time. Also, I would build on current SU meal support and increase the supper/breakfast club initiatives so no student has to go hungry.
  2. By introducing a volunteer model akin to other SUs, we can give students job experience, new skills and fill staff shortages which affect the university experience. We need to make the union truly student led!
  3. Finally, the climate crisis which affects everyone, and we can do our bit by pushing the university to increase renewable energy which will reduce our emissions whilst reducing energy costs on campus.

Candidate: Harrison Stewart


  1. Greater Cost-of-Living Crisis support in a cheaper, more reflective campus
  2. An SU that is appealing, involving and effectual in all endeavours, such as the Climate Crisis
  3. A strengthened collegiate system including the deserved representation of postgraduate students

Liberation Campaign Officer Candidates:

Students with Disabilities Officer: Currently Cerys Evans, the Students with Disabilities LCO leads the disabilities forum, organising accessible events for students on campus as well as providing a safe space for students with disabilities.

Candidates: Luke Halpin and Rowan Birch


  1. First we want to make university life more accessible, not just for disabled students, but for all students, because accessibility benefits everyone!
  2. Secondly, we want to hold the university accountable when it doesn’t meet it’s obligations to students to make essential content and resources accessible!
  3. Finally, we want to help to continue growing the fantastic community that currently exists on campus for disabled students, and make people feel welcome no matter their disability or diagnosis status!

Candidates: Arwen Smith and Charley Zollinger


  1. Make the university more accessible by working with the elected VP Education to improve lecture recordings and captioning, alongside working with departments to make it easier for students to access support, such as streamlining the extension request process or, where this isn’t possible, requesting clearer guidelines for students with and without an ILSP.
  2. Improve access to resources and support, and help disabled students find and access the help they need to succeed.
  3. Continue to provide a weekly safe space event for disabled students, providing engaging activities as well as drinks and snacks. We want to create the most welcoming environment for students as possible and plan on doing this by encouraging the use of name and pronoun stickers/badges, easy access to fidget and stim toys, and by making our events as accessible to as many students as possible.

Candidate: Iraadat Khan 


  1. As someone with learning disabilities, I care deeply about university accessibility for all.
  2. Aim to Provide more on-campus support to students with disabilities and make learning more enjoyable.
  3. Liaise with the Students’ Union to improve services for disabled students.

Racial & Ethnic Minority Students’ Officer: Currently Alvin Ngo, the Racial & Ethnic Minority LCO leads the Racial and Ethnic Minorities forum, organising accessible events for students on campus as well as providing a safe space for minority students.

Candidate: Aminah Mann

Manifesto: No Response

Women+ Officer: Currently Hana Dodsworth, the Womens+ LCO leads the Womens+ forum, organising accessible events for students on campus as well as providing a safe space for womens+ students.

Candidate: Hana Dodsworth

Manifesto: No Response

Please note: there are no candidates for Mature Students, International Students or LGBTQ+ Liberation Campaign Officer.

Election Timeline:

Hustings Part One:  6pm Fri 3rd Mar (Week 17) 

Hustings Part Two:  6pm Tues 6th Mar (Week 18) 

Voting Opens:  10am 7th Mar (Week 18)

Voting Closed:  6pm 9th March (Week 18)

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