Suspected Fire at Bowerham Student House


Emergency services arrived on the scene at an Escape Campus property on Bowerham Road this morning.

Three fire engines, an ambulance, and police arrived on the scene at 1-4 Bowerham Road, blocking off Newsham Road at around 11am, Thursday 20th October.

The residents of the property, appearing to be students, were greeted by paramedics. They looked to be unharmed, as they gathered outside the neighbouring houses in the rain to talk to the police on the scene.

Though there have been no official confirmations from first responders, witnesses believe it to be a kitchen fire. However, thick black smoke was visible from the street, as were flames protruding from the back of the house.

Firefighters were seen wearing oxygen masks and possibly preparing oxygen tanks on the side of Newsham Road before entering the property through the back door, which is pictured below consumed by flames.

Credit: Andrew Mark Hill via Facebook

Lancashire Fire and Rescue remain at the address into the early afternoon, and Newsham Road also remains cordoned off by Lancashire Constabulary.

SCAN will continue to update on this situation and hope the victims are well.

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