Music Editor


This role will require you to edit and maintain SCAN’s Music section, and ensure it contains articles of interest and relevance to SCAN’s readers. You will be expected to provide copy for each issue ranging from reviews and previews of campus musicians to national music events, or music/album/artist reviews.

This role will also require you to:

  • Work closely with the SCAN Editor, Carolynne Editors and Web Editor and keep them informed on the progress of your section
  • Establish a good working relationship with music societies/clubs/artists on campus and organisations within Lancaster and stay informed as to what music events they are running
  • Liasing with PR and Press Officers to help provide interviews and content for your section
  • Arranging interviews with people of interest within and beyond the university.
  • Provide training and guidance to any member of SCAN writing for the Music section and maintain a proficient team of Music writers, reviewers and columnists.
  • Organise photography for the Music section with the Head of Photography.

Applicants should be confident, opinionated and motivated. They need a good knowledge of commercial culture and an excellent knowledge of campus and Lancaster culture. They should have an eye for spotting things that would be of interest to the readers of SCAN.

Experience in SCAN is desirable, but applications will be considered from applicants with other relevant experience.

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