Cameron Jones – VP Activities


Cameron Jones has been inspired to run for the position of VP Activities through his love of sport. Being part of the swimming and water polo societies have shaped his university experience, and has been the place where he has found most of his friends. Therefore, “to have the opportunity to try and improve other clubs and societies, to help people” is the rewarding opportunity he is eager is to take as VP Activities.

When asked what he’d change about the current Students’ Union, he said he would aim for a greater push for aiding college sports- for example through providing improved astro-pitch spaces, which is largely outdated. He also believes more needs to be done surrounding sport and mental health, and the promotion of sport as a mechanism to relieve stress.

In his second year Cameron was the social secretary of water polo society, which involved organising a trip to Prague for around 50 people. He said this challenging experience would be essential in coordinating the vast logisitical effort of Roses. To ensure smooth organisation he would use careful planning and strong communication with the sports rep of York; he would also strive for a good collaboration with LA1 TV, in their coverage.

Cameron admits that he has always had a better knowledge of sports teams over more general societies at the University. But argues that societies are an important means to prevent isolation and loneliness on campus. He would act on this function through the introduction of a sports buddies scheme to improve participation and improve student welfare.

When asked if he’d change anything about the way societies are funded Cameron said that he would allocate more funding to teams that have been previously successful at Roses, and he would pursue a full sporting review to enact this, which would include reviewing the university’s support of fringe sports. However, Cameron failed to give any suggestions on how he would change how non-sporting societies are funded.

One of his main manifesto ideas is to entice prospective high-level sporting performer students to the university by inviting them to meetings with the teams. He believes that as VP Activities he would also try to “persuade the uni to let them in” if they haven’t quite gained the required admission grades.

Trivia: Cameron was not aware of how societies apply for funding with the Union, but suggested it might be through the societies team.

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