A message from the exec: U Social Venture


This is the first time I’ve ever written something for SCAN… I had the intentions to do it for such a long time, but somehow I always managed to convince myself that there is always enough time for me to do so in the future. Finally, I realized that if you really want to do something either for yourself or for someone else, you’ll find the right time and proper way to get it done. That was the reason why I decided to explain to you the concept of our society, U Social Venture.

Basically, the title says it all – it is all up to you. In U social Venture, we want to listen to U, let U be the initiator and give the green light to U and your ideas. As a social enterprise community, we really need an extremely good collaboration between the whole team because everything is better when we’re together. We will put the emphasis on communication in order to increase our social media activity, which is not going to be that difficult, bearing in mind that we’re all deeply involved in the use of all the social networks that take so much of our time. Why not spend that time wisely? Why not make something more of our social relationships and activity to give a chance to social enterprise that focus on ‘real-world’ problems?

My previous idea for writing in SCAN was called ‘Not Another Motivational Article’. I started writing it in a moment that I was feeling quite under pressure and, you know, in a moment that you’re just like -‘ What am I going to do with my life, nothing’s great is going to happen, I am incapable of fulfilling my dreams’. Well, I have good news, this is not true! As I said at the beginning, taking part in U Social Venture will give you the opportunity that will make you feel ‘alive’, productive and effective in making the great difference we are all looking for. As it comprises quite a broad range of problems we could focus on, we would love to collaborate with other LU societies. Currently, we are organizing the marketing campaign of the community and apart from the event on 19th June, we’re going to give you more opportunities to meet us and share your ideas for future development of the society. Collecting feedback from you is on its way, so think of what U want to see in U Social Venture, think of the way you want to get it!

It’s high time you started believe in U and the fact that U can influence. Check out our Facebook page and let us know what you think about the concept of the society, give us ideas for future events you’d attend, and help us expand in such a way that we could influence the world of social enterprise. Contribute to your personal development, make the best out of your time and make it success. U Social Venture gives you the chance to help solving serious real world problems and see how effective it can be to influence one another by sharing different views for a positive future. Become a part of our team and help us organize positive social interaction. One small step means a lot- one small step made by U may be the beginning of something great.

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