Terry Tucker – VP Campaigns and Communications


VP Campaigns and Communications candidate Terry Tucker aims to alleviate student dissatisfaction by lobbying to reduce rent prices to help provide a better quality of life.

Due to his experience as program controller of Bailrigg FM, Terry believes he can work effectively with all the student media groups on campus, using “constant liaisons to ensure the highest quality content possible”. He also has previous experience with LA1 and SCAN, and is looking forward to working with Take 2 Cinema. One of his goals would be to ensure that our student media team has entries for every category in the student radio awards.

One of Terry’s campaigning priorities would be to continue the campaign from last year to lower extortionate student accommodation prices on campus, as he believes this is the biggest cause of dissatisfaction amongst students. He would also aim to educate students on how to “live within their means” and to continue the work done by the Bite Club this year, which aims to promote healthy home cooking at University.

By working with the VP of Education he also aims to tackle the issue that not all lectures are recorded, as well as lecturers struggling to communicate with their students, emphasising that this will provide the “highest quality education for both students on campus and distance learners alike.” Terry thinks that one of the biggest problems with the current Student Union’s representation of students is “the lack of postgraduate representation.” He elaborates that the Student Union had considered introducing a Postgraduate Officer at the expense of the Campaigns and Communications Officer, although he believes “the current union are working on mitigating that”. He feels there still will be some issues regarding Postgraduate representation, however “thanks to the fantastic work the current Student Union officers have been doing, it won’t be as bad as it could be.” His manifesto promises to create campaigns related to issues on campus as and when they arrive, which he intends to deliver by using student media to provide a platform to collect student opinions and quickly communicate issues, making use of office hours and “using online sources such as Overheard at Lancaster, Weibo, Facebook and Twitter.”. Terry successfully named all of the student media groups and the four heads of said groups.

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