Shannon McCaul – VP Societies and Media


Shannon McCaul is running to be the next Vice-President Societies and Media. In her manifesto, she states that she is ‘passionate and enthusiastic’ about improving student experience, through involvement with societies, student groups and student media. Her experience includes being the former President of Furness College and the Furness Media & Communications Officer, while currently holding the roles of Furness Women’s Darts Captain and President of Lancaster University Dance Society. She stated that the Students Union has been a large part of her life, also working on the front desk which motivated her towards wanting the role. 

When asked what experience she has that would make her suited to the role, she stated that LUDanS is a large society with over 140 members, and being President of this will help her oversee the running of both larger and smaller societies. President of a large society, over 140 members. Shannon said that the ‘biggest part’ of the Lancaster experience is getting involved with societies, as the community and the connections you make through the people you meet is what university should be about. She said she has a real ‘passion and drive’ to help create this experience for other students.

SCAN asked Shannon what her priorities would be if she was elected, and she said that ‘Visibility is a key factor,’ making both societies and student media seen across campus. She said that she would work on keeping the Student Union calendar up to date, making sure that groups have access to this so students can see events hosted by all of the societies and media groups. As well as this, she said that if she was elected she would use the role to make it ‘what student media and societies want it to be’ as VP Societies and Media is one of the new roles introduced earlier in the term. Shannon said she ‘doesn’t want to be there to tell student media what to do’ and will host regular meetings making sure she is there for them if needed. She also stated she would like to make herself or the societies team available for an hour a day for drop-ins for society exec members who need help. 

Shannon also talked about having a keen interest in student media. She produced digital content while working for a magazine company for her placement year, which printed five print magazines per month. She also regularly listens to Bailrigg FM shows and noted her appreciation to LA1TV for filming the LUDanS show earlier in the term. One of Shannon’s points on her manifesto states that she would like to introduce training for student media teams at the beginning of the academic year, similar to the full day which JCR’s receive. She pointed to the Student Radio Association event earlier in the term which hosted presenters such as Jordan Lee who talked to Bailrigg members. Shannon suggested that events like this should be more frequent for student media teams. 

Olivia Kenny

Hi! I'm Olivia (but everyone calls me Liv) and I'm the Associate Editor for SCAN for 2019-2020. I was previously the News Editor and have contributed to the section since the beginning of my first year. Now in my third year, SCAN is a huge part of my University life. Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you!

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