Richard clark on academic rights


Your rights… What rights?

  • Staff to student ratio should not exceed 15:1 in seminars


  • Coursework should be returned with a mark within a maximum of four weeks (excluding university closure days). This does not include dissertations.


  • all examinations should be marked with student anonymity
  • Where anonymous marking exists in coursework this should be indicated in course/module handbooks
  • A student who fails any non final year module will be allowed to undertake a reassessment for that module. The student must take this reassessment


  • If your final year average is a degree class above your overall average and 75% of your marks in final year fall in that degree class you should normally be awarded that higher degree class


  • To experience a variety of effective approaches to learning, teaching and assessment.


  • Timely provision of accurate and up-to-date information about all aspects of teaching, learning and assessment, including your chosen programme of study.


  • Access to effective and timely student feedback mechanisms, including student representation, which enable you to be involved in the management and development of your programme of study.






With £9000 fees hitting students where it hurts from this year onwards, myself and the education and support team at LUSU felt it should be made more clear to students what academic rights you have here at Lancaster University. Expecting to find there would be a document that clearly stating each right clearly and concisely was naive of me. Instead we found several points that can be found sprawled across several loose documents and old papers that could easily be ignored or over looked as unimportant, hardly recognizable as rights at all.

There was no mention of free and constant access to the materials on your reading lists. There was no clarity of the term ‘contact time’ and whether that is ‘active contact time’ or sitting you in a lecture theatre to watch a film for 2 hours.

This is not acceptable. There should be a clear, stable list of student rights that anyone of you can fall upon at any time. To put words into action the academic officers of LUSU are holding a campaign in Alex Square on Wednesday 17th October where we will be asking you, the students to tell us about the academic injustices you have faced through out your degree. By highlighting these failings we can form a solid list of rights and put them towards the university ensuring you are getting the most out of the £9000 fees you are paying and understand exactly what your right are. Come and support our cause 17th October in Alex Square.


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