Leo’s dead…


Newly elected LUSU President Leo Lancaster has been found dead in his office. Some people are saying it’s murder, but all I know is that a shadow has fell over campus as friends, colleagues and family members of Leo pay their respects to the life and legacy of such a successful young man.

I knew the guy, it’s a sad loss. His fiancé Fiona Furness was devastated when I spoke to her earlier on today. She was just about getting over the excitement of an unexpected marriage proposal (which, I might add, was made in the height of Leo’s election campaign for LUSU Presidency) and could barely catch her breath to reflect on this tragic loss. ‘He was my rock and my best friend,’ she told me, ‘why did this have to happen to him, he was such an honest, fun-loving guy who wanted the best for everyone.’

Carl County, Leo Lancaster’s main competition his election campaign and a close friend of the LUSU President was extremely shaken by the news.  ‘Leo was a great competitor, an honest guy and most importantly, a great mate. It’s such a sad loss,’ he said, and do you know what. I agree.

My respects go out to his family and friends and let’s hope we find out who did this and give his family the closure they deserve.


(Think you know who the murderer is yet? Don’t forget to check out www.la1tv.lusu.co.ukwww.bailriggfm.co.uk and the Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/LUSUMMM. No LUSU President was harmed in the making of this Media Murder Mystery. This blog, all characters and reported events are entirely fictional.)

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