LUSU launched its brand new project, entitled ‘Edible Campus’, on September 24th, after receiving funding from the NUS, which will enable a two year programme designed to increase student engagement and encourage food sustainability. The project will be managed by Green Lancaster, the university’s eco-friendly and volunteer focused group, with LUSU Facilities partnership.
Darren Axe, Environmental Projects Co-Ordinator, stated that “the project aims to scale up student and staff engagement with food growing and food sustainability on campus. Green Lancaster will host a programme of local food festivals, cooking demo’s and volunteer planting days on campus.” Not only this, but Axe added that the first workshop “brought together LUSU staff, officers and student volunteers, Facilities staff and key academics from across campus to investigate potential partnerships in order to realise success in the project”.
LUSU President Joel Pullan is quoted as saying: “I’m so thrilled that we have been successful in our Green Fund bid. Our edible campus project will engage our students on the importance of green issues on our campus. It’s a fantastic project and we have worked tirelessly to produce what was ultimately a successful bid.”
Students interested in getting involved with the project are being told that it will be formerly launched at the Campus Eco-Hub, which has been established since 2009. The funding from the NUS will enable Green Lancaster to transform their existing six acres into an area accessible to both staff and students. The aim of the project is to encourage both parties to engage with sustainable food production and think more about the impact of their food choices.
According to LUSU, growing boxes will be available outside accommodation blocks for students.