‘They’re Gagging Us’ – Photography from the Picket Line


On Wednesday the 4th March, SCAN visited the picket-lines to talk to demonstrators and to take photographs of the strike action. This was also the day that UCU members protested in Alexandra Square, then later outside of University House. The group stood silently outside the Human Resources Department, covering their mouths in protest of the University ‘gagging’ their voices.

This article presents some of the photography taken by SCAN’s Editor, Ruth Walbank, on the day.

Ruth-Anne Walbank

My name is Ruth, and I'm the Editor of SCAN for 2019-20. I have been the Arts and Culture Editor in 2018-19, and the Deputy Arts and Culture Editor before that. I've written over 80 articles for SCAN across a variety of sections.
If you have any questions about the newspaper, feel free to message me!

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