We are SCANdalous


Every two weeks, all SCAN editors meet to discuss ideas or problems that we have. It’s normally late, we are normally tired and it is unsurprisingly dull, but not this time. The meeting started as it always did but the mood quickly changed.

Our assistant editor, Collette McColgan dropped a bombshell that shocked the room – SCAN editors appearing in a naked calendar, aptly named SCANdalous. The room laughed assuming this was a joke but soon fell quiet as everyone realised that this was happening and that they could be in it. The idea slowly gained approval and we started working on it immediately.

[pull]I would like to ask all of you out there to please drop by the LUSU bunker, donate £5 to a great cause and have a laugh at our expense – it could be the best donation you have ever given.[/pull]

A week or so later, Collette and I sat down and had probably the best meeting that has ever happened discussing the many hilarious and compromising positions we could put our fellow SCAN editors and writers in – all in the name of charity, of course. Eventually, we came up with a theme for each month and presented this to the group at the next meeting.

To everyone’s credit they all agreed to the ideas (one of which was bondage themed) and we set a date for the SCANdalous shoot.

We finally got into the making of SCANdalous on Sunday Week Eight. We all met up in the SCAN office which by this time resembled more of a fully stocked bar. I won’t lie, it was an extremely awkward moment at first, but once the mulled wine and cider had kicked in things became much more relaxed.

We got all the photos and then, I spent the next 48 hours editing and laying up what would be the finished product. The next step was to get it printed. We turned to Folio at Lancaster which has been brilliant and helped us create an amazing finished product.

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Get SCANdalous!

To order your SCANdalous 2011 calendar, contact Assistant Editor Collette McColgan via email at scan.assistanteditor@lusu.co.uk.

Each calendar costs £5 and the proceeds go to Comic Relief.


All of this hard work and nakedness will have been for nothing if we do not raise some money for charity. So, I would like to ask all of you out there to please drop by the LUSU bunker, donate £5 to a great cause and have a laugh at our expense – it could be the best donation you have ever given. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who so bravely agreed to bare all for this calendar and everyone behind the scenes that made it a reality.

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