2012 – Olympics, Carter Sheild


This year certainly looks set to be one of the most exciting and sport-filled to date. The Premier League is underway, the Rugby World Cup is imminent, and just around the corner are the London Olympics, a home Roses and the Carter Shield 2011-2012!

Ok, so perhaps the latter is a slightly over-ambitious plug aimed at getting interest in the collegiate tournament, but, on a serious note the Carter Shield looks set for a re-invention.

For those of you who aren’t aware of what the Carter Shield involves, it is an inter-college competition which includes ‘beyond-the-average’ types of sport such as Ultimate Frisbee, dodgeball and women’s indoor football to name but two.

Stephen Smith, President of Fylde JCR Exec, whose college have won the shield the past two years, said “it’s great to give people the chance to get involved in something without being part of a club or team. It gives people like me, who wouldn’t dream of joining a sports team, the opportunity to give something a go and just have some fun.”

With entertainment and enjoyment seeming central to the Carter Shield, it does beg the question as to why it lacks good participation rates. Why wouldn’t anyone want to have a laugh, meet new people and, in the meantime, thrash college opponents?

Well, it can quite easily be said that, as of late, the tournament has suffered from a lack of organisation. Furness JCR Sports Representative Symi Jackson said that “there have been so many

times when people have not known where to be at what times,” and suggested that if communication lines between the organisers and college Sports Representatives were firmly established and maintained more people would be inclined to take part.

It certainly seems a shame, given the initial emphasis on college pride during Freshers’ Week that this mentality isn’t carried off in a similar fashion in terms of the Carter Shield. Realistically, the framework for something great and prestigious is lurking underneath the shadows of disorganisation, and hopefully this year will bring a new face and a new reputation to the Carter

Shield. So get involved, give it a go and give SCAN Sports something to write about – it could be your name in the headlines of the future!

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