Editorial (Week 6, Lent): Monthly student loans


Another issue of SCAN is upon us. During the design of this issue, I had to stop for a second when I opened the template to appreciate that we’re now way over halfway through SCAN this year.

This week I’m very pleased to say that the SCAN banner is looking a lot more colourful than usual. This is because it’s in honour of LGBT history month. I love a bit of history, and if you’d like to find out more about it, we have a lovely article in Features dedicated to it – so take a look.

Other exciting news this issue includes SCAN successfully completing the Lancaster University Run Against Domestic Violence (LURADV) without any of us collapsing, and the library will now be open 24 hours; as you can see on the adjoining page.
Personally, I can’t decide if a 24 hour library is a blessing or a curse – do I really need to know that the place I work so hard to avoid is now open all the time? Just kidding, I don’t avoid it. Most of the time I find myself hopelessly lost in the purple zone searching for that mysterious history book with the reference MUK183DSNF (do the hokey cokey and clap three times) KX.P.
I’m also interested to see how the NUS get on with their petition to make student finance start paying us students in monthly instalments – you can read more about this in my article on page 10. It is something that our VP (Welfare and Community) Tom Fox has mentioned a few times now and will shortly be brought up on the LUSU Council agenda.

It seems like a good idea in theory, as I am one of those people who gets the student loan, pays bills, debts and purchases books/bus passes/ all the other usual university stuff, then finds herself completely skint and attempting to live off one big ASDA shop a month..

However, the argument that students could manage a monthly loan better than a termly one – because it’s more like the real world when you’ll get a job and receive a monthly wages – perhaps does not work practically for students. For example, if you live in campus accommodation, unless your university is willing to change the rules you’ll be expected to pay your term’s rent up front. Likewise, if you receive the bare minimum loan of £1,000 a term, it might become a struggle to receive a monthly payment of around £300; because let’s face it, in the real world you’d (hopefully) earn a lot more than that.
It’s worth coming along to LUSU Council if you can, it’s open to more than just officers. Or you could always read the SCAN report on it. That’s just as good.

Anyway, with the Valentine’s Day weekend over and the couples that actually celebrate it returning to ignoring each other until next February 14th, the next big holiday to look forward to is Easter. Whilst I’m not particularly religious, it’s that time of year where I will be annoyed by people claiming that they are giving things ‘up for Lent’ despite having never set foot in a church in their lives.

Easter vacation is still five weeks away though, so buy some Creme eggs and carry on with those essays. Here’s a fluffy bunny to keep you motivated as we pass the Lent term halfway point.

Have a lovely fortnight!

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