Lancaster University’s Students’ Union Responds to Pro-Palestine Encampment in Alexandra Square


A spokesperson from LUSU has released a statement regarding the protest on Alexandra Square. Additionally, Vice-President Welfare Officer, Josh Newsham, has offered a response to the protest in regards to welfare and safety.

A spokesperson from LUSU stated that:

‘As a union we support the rights of students and staff all to organise, protest, and exercise their freedom of speech. Following the response to student protests in the United States, the wellbeing and safety of our students is our main priority.’

The spokesperson has also said that Vice-President Welfare, Josh Newsham, and Students’ Union Chief Executive are meeting with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor to discuss student safety and wellbeing and the University’s response to the protest.

Josh said: ‘Last term we published a statement on the ongoing effect of the conflict on our students and in support of the people of the middle east to self-determination of their nation and government. The people of Palestine and Israel deserve to flourish in a life free from persecution, terrorism, and war.’

He added:

‘The well-being of the protestors and students on campus is our main priority so we have organised hygiene essentials to be available from the Students’ Union.

Our Pantry and Supper Club are available to students on campus and showers located behind the Students’ Union Office. I am in on-going dialogue with the relevant students and communities.

We also continue to urge the University to engage in dialogue with student communities and organisers.’

He said: ‘We ask that security and police presence on campus meets students with compassion, dignity, and the respect for freedom of speech.’

The spokesperson from LUSU has stated that they ‘encourage students to be political and take action on movements and causes they believe in – in a respectful and safe manner’.

The statement ends with LUSU encouraging students to report any incidents of racism, islamophobia, or antisemitism to the Students’ Union Advice Service who can support complaints and hate-crime reporting.

The advice service @ Lancaster Students’ Union (

For any urgent safeguarding concerns please contact the Students’ Union Safeguarding lead on 07376 427552.

The Union of Jewish Students have opened a Welfare Hotline for students on 02074243288.

Support and information about Islamophobia from the Muslim Council of Britain can be found here.

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