BBC presenter on hand to give out Lancaster awards


A ceremony to celebrate students who participated in the Lancaster Award scheme will be held on Thursday, Week Seven. The ceremony will be presented by Pro-Vice Chancellor Amanda Chetwynd, as well as BBC Radio Lancashire presenter, John Clayton.

Those participating in the award had to undertake certain tasks before receiving the award, including becoming involved in the campus community and social development, work experience, an additional skill and involvement in employability and career development. The award, which is co-ordinated by CEEC (Centre for Enterprise, Employability and Careers), is regarded helpful for students who are graduating this year and wish to boost their CV and showcase their abilities. Danielle Warren, responsible for the PR for CEEC said “The Lancaster Award is a really great achievement that graduating students have worked hard at throughout the year”. The students participating also have to attend a number of workshops and courses.

Alison Corkill, a third year Geography student who completed the Lancaster Award said: “The award is a great way to recognise all the skills gained throughout your time at university. It’s definitely something else to show to potential employers.” When asked about the ceremony, Corkill said “It’s great because those students who took part get some recognition for their good work”.

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