An Overview of the Activities Officers Candidates ’25: Candidate Questions and Manifestos, what you need to know. 


Emily Woods

Woods is currently the President of Pendle JCR, Pendle Netball with previous presidency for the Harry Potter society. With further experience as a Women’s + non-intervarsity sports representative on sports committee. Alongside campaigns and manifesto writing workshops. Emily also Set up Pendle College Sustainability Committee, which won Best JCR Sustainability

Initiative. Woods aims to review sports kits and support the 20th anniversary of Roses, at home in 2026. Whilst simultaneously facilitating and advocating for women’s + participation and lobbying for academic free Wednesdays. ‘Accessibility, transparency, and support for all sports’. Emily claims to expand student leader training to include mental health, sustainability, and accessibility. Within the candidate questions, Woods promises to be a champion for students needs and wants, whilst allowing leaders to feel confident and supported within mental health and physical barriers. As looking after themselves, and others is foundational in the running of societies. With previous experience in College sport, Emily will also work closely with BUCS sports to lobby for change within the students’ Union. 

Tom Hopkins

As the Chairmen of Men’s Rugby Union, and prayer team leader for the Christian society, Hopkins has previous understandings as a leader, especially when helping to promote unpressured drinking environments within the rugby club. Hopkins outlines his key aims under the subtitles: involved, informed, and inspired/ Wishing to ensure students find the societies for them, and expand recreational sports and play through campus with comfortable and welcoming settings. Hopkins also recognises the vitality of Student media outlets as a vital role in informing students, and such will promote regular programmes and charity events. Especially to ensure the ‘best coverage of 60th anniversary Roses’ next year. Within the candidate questions, Tom emphasised the important of freshers fair which he wishes to expand on. To create plans and ensure people feel welcomed as ‘first impressions are so important’. Furthermore, a growth in women’s + focused environments and sporting events should be encouraged. Tom urges to ensure students are proud to be at Lancaster University, with the chance to engage as much as possible.  

Finn Van Breugel

Breugel claims to work for easier SU and society communications through the Instagram page, and to promote better usage of social and storage spaces. Even better communication with Sugar to ensure smooth co-ordination of socials. Finn has experience on the Basketball and Lonsdale JCR exec for two years, and aims to continue campaigning for free Wednesdays for athletes. Mostly importantly, to being Roses home. Within the Candidate questions, Finn claims to be energetic, loyal, and quick to learn. All qualities that can help turn around the previous neglect societies feel after losing the VP vote- and to widely improve communications. Furthermore, Finn aims to work closely with colleges, at the heart in Lancs, to ensure their sports rivalry encourages involvement and stands strongly. Whether that be serious, or jut fun in the sun. ‘A vote for Finn, is a vote for fun.’

Nic Robinson

With two years within sports committees, and as a union assembly delegate and the Roses 2024 committee team, Nic aims to remove participation barriers and expand student access funds. Robinson has also advocated for women’s+ students and helped provide safe spaces for important issues and urges to continue such work alongside free Wednesdays and  increasing university space for societies. Furthermore, Nic claims to engage with student media extensively as potential avenue for sports, events, and music coverage through the upcoming year. Nic also hopes to improve communications with LUSU finances, and that of various execs. At the candidate questions, Nic heavily hopes to remove participation barriers and allow student access funds to remain open especially for freshers and refreshers, and to ensure women also have a wider route into sports. 

You can read all their manifestos here: Candidate_Manifestos_LUSU_Elections_2025.pdf

You can watch LA1TV’s full Candidate Question livestream here:

Voting is open now and closes tomorrow at 6PM

Link to vote: Lancaster Students’ Union

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