LUSU will be hosting the return of Campus Festival in Lancaster Square in County College on Saturday of Week Nine.
The event will be held from 1pm to 11pm. It will host an array of student demonstrations, including performances from LUDanS and the Breakdance Society. LUSU events coordinator, James Marenghi, described the festival as “the biggest campus event in which we [LUSU] can showcase the brilliant variety of our student groups”. There will be “around 50 different groups taking part at the event in one way or another” he said, including dance and music performances across the two stages, such as displays from the dance and cheerleading societies. Marenghi says there will also be “fun-filled activity spaces which include playing rock band with the gaming society and decorating your own cakes with baking societies”.
Along with society performances there will also be sets from student bands around Lancaster, including The Microtones, October Skies and Tailored to Fit. Marenghi also revealed that will also be “more acoustic sets from the best Lancaster has to offer”.
LUSU Vice President (Finance, Events, Democracy and Societies), Matt Windsor, commented that the campus festival is “one of the best things that we (LUSU) have for activity groups on campus. Not only is the event for them, it is also because of them.”
A variety of food from many different cultures will also be on offer throughout the night, the Facebook event page states. The evening will conclude with an impressive fireworks display akin to last year’s finale, which Lonsdale second year student, Grace Fitzpatrick, described as “one of the best” she’d ever seen. Fitzpatrick also commented that she is “really looking forward to attending the festival again this year”.
“Campus Festival was obviously extremely popular last year and the hope is that we will continue to build on this through another awesome event this year” said Marenghi, going on to say that “should this be something that the students keep wanting to see happen, then it is something that we will keep on trying to source funding to provide.”