Candidate interview: Danny McGuire


“I have the experience to challenge the University about their actions”

Danny McGuire – Cartmel College

Danny McGuire believes that the University needs a strong LUSU President to stand up for the students and their needs, and feels that he is the person to do so.

He labels himself as “a really engaged person in the Union”, highlighting how his role as Cartmel Vice President allowed him to gain experience in multiple different areas such as “Academic Council, LUSU Council” and the organisation of Freshers’ Week. He also holds the position for Cross Campus Officer for Welfare Campaigns. “I feel now that I have enough experience to start questioning and challenging the University about their actions” he said.

Strengthening the roles of the colleges is one of McGuire’s key ideas. He would like to give the college JCRs “a bit more money” in order to put on bigger events that students can get engaged in. After the recent success of ‘Big Night Out in Colour’, he would like to see more “big one-off events” taking place. In terms of the colleges in general, McGuire believes them to be one of the main reasons that students choose to attend Lancaster and is keen to strengthen them in terms of the kinds of support and funding they get. He would like to channel funding in a “more direct way to students” so that they are more aware of where the money is going.

On the hot topic of £9,000 fees, McGuire believes the “Union is in a fantastic position financially” to support incoming students. He would work “with the University throughout the year to ensure that expectations are met, and make it clear that the Union is there to support students.” He does not want to see any hidden course costs, or students “paying for anything extra” and will “make sure the University delivers on everything they have promised.”

Moving onto the subject of the Lancaster-Liverpool collaboration, McGuire expressed that he had “been involved in quite alot of the talks” in regards to this. He does not think a merger is going to happen anymore and stressed the importance of slowing the process down “and really having a look at making sure what happens is best for everyone.” That being said, he does “like the idea of departmental collaborations,” highlighting the current collaborative system in the Faculty of Health and Medicine and how is seems to be “working for them.” He does, however, think that there should “be more options for departments” in terms of whether they do want to collaborate and who with.

McGuire believes that an approachable nature and engaging directly with students will be crucial to the role of President. “I’m always willing to learn” he said, “I love a challenge and I’m not afraid of asking questions.”

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