Interview: Advertising Society

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Still not sure which society to join? This week SCAN speaks to Johanna Creak, a second year Advertising and Marketing student and the current President of the Advertising Society.

What do the Advertising society do?

Our objective is to give every member an insight into the advertising and marketing industry. We work for clients based both in and outside of Lancaster University, enabling members to capitalise on their creative potential and strategic skills on real campaigns.

Our previous clients and campaigns include: Roses 2015 working directly with Lancaster University Students’ Union, NutKase Photoshoot working with Nutkase Accessories, The Lancaster Challenge working with various societies across Lancaster University and the Barnados Christmas Concert.

How do you differentiate yourselves from the other LUMS societies?

We work with real clients to actually build experience as well as provide the usual talks and workshops where people can simply listen and learn. We are also quite a relaxed society allowing members to have the flexibility to choose which events they attend, as no two are the same.

How did you become involved?

I simply signed up in my first year attending the meetings and events and fell in love with the society. There was a position available for a new Head of Online Communication at the time so I took a risk and went for it, from there I ran for president and the rest is history.

What would you say are the main benefits of being a member of the society?

As previously mentioned we don’t simply offer our members lectures and socials, we have workshops where they can gain valuable skills for the industry as well as real client experience to boost their CV.

This year we have rebranded the society and have planned a great mixture of brand new events and workshops. The society is going to continue to grow and this would be the perfect year to become involved in the development of the society.

Do you have any events planned for the first few weeks of term?

We have a multitude of events planned for the next few weeks so keep an eye on our Facebook page if you’re interested. Next week is our first event introducing the society and this year’s plans. As well as our first social towards the end of the week 2 which will be an on campus fancy dress bar crawl finishing in town, there will of course be a prize for the best dressed. The society also has some great joint events with several different cross campus societies.

How can students sign up?

If you haven’t already, like our Facebook page where all news and event details will be posted. The first event will be next week come along to that to see if you like it, from there you can sign up. Membership for the year is £5.

For more information on the Advertising Society, visit, follow them on Twitter at @adsoc_lu or visit their Facebook Page:


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