Preview: Litfest 2016


The 37th Lancaster Literature Festival begins this Thursday with a series of events taking place across the city, and it’s promising to be a wonderful events. Below we give you a run-down of everything that’s taking place!


Thursday 17th March, 7.30pm The Auditorium @ The Storey

Inspiring Stories – Fact and Fiction From The Bay

“Desolate, lonely, beautiful and dangerous…’s hard not to have a relationship with the natural world if you live in the north of England. The moors, the mountains, estuaries, the sea are all within touching distance.”

Chaired by Dom Conlon, Karen Lloyd and Andrew M. Hurley will talk about their influences in writing – from the wild and unforgiving Lancashire terrain to the changing face of the urban landscape.


Friday 18th March

The Music Room @ The Storey

An Evening of Alternate Realities

6pm – 7pm – J.S. Collyer and Eddie Robson

An incomparable event exploring the best of the science fiction genre. S. Collyer will read from her first novel, ‘Zero’ which has been described as ‘James Bond meets Firefly’. Eddie will be reading from ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ which has been described as ‘space-y SF… with a retro theme’. A short question and answer session will take place afterwards.

7.15pm – 8.15pm – Panel discussion – ‘Genre Bending’

Our Alternate Realities writers discuss the understanding of terms in the science fiction genre by different audiences. Bring your questions, understanding and opinions – and join in!

8.30pm – 9.30pm – ‘Good Science’ with Saskia Goldschmidt, Justina Robson, Adrian Tchaikovsky

This event explores ethics and morality in the development of science and technology. Saskia’s work is inspired by story of the hormone manufacturer Organon, and is set in a world in which drug testing and manufacture is so far unregulated. Adrian will read a short story from ‘Looking Landwards’, an anthology of Science Fiction farming stories – looking at the devastating results of bad choices in corporate farming. Justina’s novels and stories range widely over SF and Fantasy, often in combination and often featuring AIs and machines who aren’t exactly what they seem.


Saturday 19th March The Sanctuary @ Lancaster Library A Day of Poetry

2pm – 3pm – My Dear Watson, The Very Elements in Poetry by Beautiful Dragons Collaborations

Until recently there were 118 elements in the periodic table and each had its own poem. Recent events in the world of science have demanded a few more are added, and they will be for Litfest’s Poetry Day!

4pm – 5pm – Three Wayleave Poets

Wayleave Press is a small independent publisher of quality poetry pamphlets. During this event Mike Barlow will introduce three poets who will read from their Wayleave pamphlets as well as their wider work.

5.30pm – 6.30pm – Poets from the Emma Press Camille Ralphs will read from her debut pamphlet, Malkin, which brims and bubbles with the voices of those accused in the Pendle Witch Trials of 1612. James Trevelyan reads from his sequence of poems spoken in the voices of the forgotten, providing a humorous and tender exploration into morality, mortality and contemporary existence.


Sunday 20th March. 2pm The Sanctuary @ Lancaster Library

In Skriker’s Footsteps, told by Jacqueline Harris

‘In Skriker’s Footsteps’ is a bold multi-media storytelling piece that brings together projection, animation, sound and live performance, its roots here in the people and landscape of Lancashire.


Tickets for all events are £10 (full) and £8 (concession) unless bought on a Multibuy discount. They can be purchased via the website or from Lancaster Visitor Information Centre in The Storey 01524 582394.




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