Due to the current invasion of Ukraine spearheaded by the Russian military, the horrific effects of war are once again rearing their ugly heads.
From tens of thousands of fleeing Ukrainian citizens, hundreds of civilians dead or missing, and countless homes and families broken, the consequences of this conflict and its echoes will be felt everywhere, even here in the UK.
Lancaster University possesses the status of an international university; there are communities of Ukrainians, Belarusians, and numerous Eastern European students – the national groups most likely to be affected by this crisis.
The Students’ Union has put out a statement and a series of support activities as a response to the situation.
Two drop-in sessions have been organised (Tuesday, March 1st from 3 pm-5 pm and Friday, March 4th from 11 am-1 pm) in which students affected can discuss the crisis and request support or help in their academic careers and personal lives in regard to the current situation in Ukraine.
Sonja Dembo, the Students’ Union International Officer, expresses her sorrow regarding the situation:
“My heart is with the people who are fleeing, who are hiding, and who are scared. This is a terrifying situation to be in and my thoughts are with those affected.”
Ms Dembo’s statement also addresses her understanding of the possible effects upon those whose families, homes, and home countries are involved, directly or indirectly, and offers the opportunity for any concerned students to talk with her and share their thoughts and worries:
“I will be hosting a tea/chat event this Sunday, at 12 o’clock in the Chaplaincy.”
The International Officer also offers one-to-one support and can be contacted at su.internationalofficer@lancaster.ac.uk
And in these trying times, all we can rely on is an old, unreliable acquaintance: hope.
All students impacted can take advantage of the organised Students’ Union drop-in sessions next Tuesday and Friday. The chat hosted by Sonja Dembo this Sunday, February 27th at 12 o’clock in the University Chaplaincy is not one to be ignored either.
Also, any students whose well-being has suffered can always contact the Students’ Union Advice Team at advice@lancastersu.co.uk