Lancaster confessions page removed by VP Welfare


“The content of this page was disgusting, offensive, and deeply upsetting.”

On the 4th October, Amy Merchant, VP of Welfare, was tipped off to the existence of a confession-style Facebook page, called ‘Dankfessions’, based in Lancaster and using the Lancaster University colours in its banner photo.

Amy describes the content of the page as “disgusting, offensive, and deeply upsetting”. Herself and the individual who brought the page, advertised as an educational research centre, to her attention reported its posts on Facebook while Amy contacted the owner of the page, suggesting they take action.

“What prompted me to report the page,” Amy told SCAN, “was that I was made aware of content that was incredibly discriminatory. The page was a welfare concern as the content was namely racist and homophobic.”

Amy confirmed this morning that the page, which had 53 likes, had been taken down and suggested that any student who had been affected by the content, contact herself or their college wellbeing officers, explaining that “discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.”

“I want students to feel safe, recognised and heard at university. This kind of content goes directly against that. These kinds of views and comments have no place in society.”

When asked what the general response was from the student body, Amy told SCAN, “Relief. I, myself, am very grateful to the individual who flagged this page. I think it is safe to say that students are glad to see the back of such a hateful page as it has not place amongst the student community here at Lancaster.”

If you were affected by content on this page, please contact Amy at or your College Wellbeing Officers.

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