The year that was


This is my last column that I will write in my position as Vice President Sports. Everyone warned me how this year would fly by and it really has. I have a few weeks left in my role and I am just wrapping things up and making sure my successor, Marc Handley, can carry on and take things even further next year. It has been a very successful year of sport here at Lancaster and it has been a privilege to be a leader to some amazing and talented sports people. It has been an experience that can compare with no other. There has been many ups and downs throughout the year, but I can honestly say I have loved every second of being in office and I really will be sad to leave.

The recent AU Awards were a fantastic celebration of all the achievements our teams and clubs have had this year and I really enjoyed the evening. kim Montgomery, the Director of Sport, gave a very powerful speech at the awards, saying how she believes Lancaster are seeing a new dawn in sport. I truly believe this is the case. Not only have all our teams and clubs worked hard and had successes in their leagues, we met the ultimate challenge by emerging victorious in Roses against a york side that has in the past seen us in the shadows. Winning Roses wasn’t just about that single victory, it was about showing that we have reached a level where we can compete with york, in every aspect of sport. With the new Sports Centre on its way, I believe the University are finally recognising the power of sport and our recent rise in University league rankings needs to be echoed in our sporting prowess. I am expecting big things for Lancaster in future years and I am sure I won’t be disappointed.

As I am soon to depart, many of those who I have worked with are thanking me for my efforts this year and congratulating me for a successful year. But it is those very people who have made it so successful and special for me. Without sounding too soppy, I genuinely believe that my year has gone so well because of the amazing support I have had from so many people, from staff, from my fellow Sabbs, from students, they have all been brilliant. I am very lucky in that, in my position I am seen as the figurehead for sport and in that respect I get to take a lot of the praise for our sporting achievements. Sport is a huge passion for me and that has been something I have definitely brought to my role. But every single sports person at Lancaster who has helped us achieve some brilliant things deserves as much credit as I do. So thank you Lancaster, it’s been a blast and I really will miss you.

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