“That’s all folks!”


It’s been nine long weeks of the University year and it’s time to wrap things up (quite literally in the case of Christmas presents). For the majority of us week 10 means the mad dash to finish and hand in assignments before Friday and the attempt to make the dregs of your loan stretch to cover all those end of term necessities; food, drink and festivities included. Things can be looking pretty bleak at the end of term; surely there must be some things to be looking forward to, right?

Try and get those last bits of work out of the way as soon as you can so you’ve got as much time as possible to get out there and enjoy Christmas time with university friends before we all head off home. To try and make this a more bearable activity here’s a few tips. Don’t feel that just because you’re shut up working that you have to miss out on the festive spirit! Crank up the Christmas songs, invest in some fairy lights and festive treats and turn your room into a mini grotto. It might not make the work disappear any quicker but it’s guaranteed to lift your mood and make getting through it less of a chore. I also find by giving myself a motive to get through the work makes me more focused and I get rid of it a lot faster! So find that something to give you a final boost to make it through the last few assignments and before you know it, you’ll be free!

Now we’ve got the boring part of week ten out of the way it’s time to throw ourselves headlong into some Christmassy antics. Already on Friday of week nine, LUSU put on a fantastic Christmas market which, I don’t know about the rest of you, put me in a really festive mood! Santa, real reindeer, tasty treats and snow all in one day – it was almost too much. What could possibly top that in week 10? Well I don’t think there’s a society at the university that doesn’t hold a Christmas social of some sort. Whether it’s a meal out in town or a more outrageous fancy dress night out there’s fun to be had by everyone. Group meals are a guaranteed win; good food, good company and a chance to dress to impress. If you want a louder night out opt for some fancy dress madness. After spending my Saturday evening helping a friend create a (beautiful) shepherd outfit, I would argue that Christmas time is possible one of the best times to don your fancy dress.

 The ideas are endless; from Santa to a Christmas pudding. You may look ridiculous rocking up to Sugar covered in tinsel but looking through the photos the day after will definitely put a smile on your face. Even if you’re not part of a society grab some mates and have your own Christmas social. Since you probably won’t be seeing your university friends too much over the coming month make the most of it now and get all your Christmas crazy out of your system before heading home to the parents.
Come on guys, ‘tis the season to be jolly and all that!

So don’t let the work get you down. Even though it seems Lancaster may not be having a white Christmas (more like a wet Christmas) it need not be bleak. So whether you’re celebrations are traditional with carol singing and mince pies, or more along the lines of dressing up as a Christmas tree and dancing the night away, do it! Even if you’re feeling more like Scrooge than ‘The Ghost of Christmas Present’ still get out there and enjoy yourself as you would any other occasion; you could even dress as the Grinch! 

Five days in Lancaster to go, so keep opening that advent calendar, wrap up warm and just have a brilliant Christmas, I know I will.

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