The legendary rock/metal music festival Download returns once...
LUSU’s budget will bring the union back to what it does best
So, the time of year for the Budget has come around again and, like every year, there are controversies and arguments over what funding goes to who, when and where. One of the most contentious, but I believe better, changes has been the 24% increase in funding for the College JCR Execs, bringing all of their funding into equal measures, at the expense of funding to the Post-Graduate Students Association, Grad College’s equivalent of a JCR.
Building Work Causes Revision Disturbances
The Waterside and LICA building sites have been criticised by students for creating too much noise and disruption during exams. Whilst the rest of the university must succumb to Quiet Period, students are saying that their revision is being greatly disturbed by loud building work and noisy builders
Social Airs and Disgraces
Go into any book shop. Try Waterstones, Borders or even that one with the records in the window on Lancaster High Street and I can bet you’ll find what I’m looking for.