Full-Time Officer & Part-Time Officer Interviews 2020


SCAN has interviewed the candidates running for the Full-Time Officer and Part-Time Officer roles in the upcoming SU elections. Here is a compiled list of links for you to read about what the candidates had to say.

FullTime Officer Roles


George Nuttall

Reopen Nominations

Vice-President Education

Bee Morgan

Tanglewest Douglas

Reopen Nominations

Vice-President Societies and Media

Dom Casoria

Elaine Lewis

Emily Stannard

Shannon McCaul

Taylor Donoughue-Smith

Reopen Nominations

Vice-President Sports

Carl Smith

Ethan Lopez

Nathan Lingham

Paul McCarthy

Reopen Nominations

Vice-President Union Development

Atree Ghosh

Oliver Robinson

Reopen Nominations

Vice-President Welfare

Amy Merchant

Reopen Nominations

Part-Time Officer Roles

BME Students’ Officer

Max Kafula

Reopen Nominations

International Students’ Officer

Reopen Nominations

LGBTQ+ Students’ Officer

James Phillips

Ziv Mann-Wineberg

Mature Students’ Officer

Amy Stanning

Reopen Nominations

Students with Disabilities Officer

Molly Lawson

Sarah Pennington and Gigi Bruschi (Joint Candidate)

Reopen Nominations

Women+ Students Officer

Erin McNally

Reopen Nominations

NOTE – SCAN contacted each of the candidates for interview, then extended the invitation a further two times. Any candidate with no link to an interview on this list either did not respond or did not turn up to their interview time. The list of candidates was correct as of 4th March 2020.

If you have any queries or concerns please contact scan.editor@lancastersu.co.uk

Olivia Kenny

Hi! I'm Olivia (but everyone calls me Liv) and I'm the Associate Editor for SCAN for 2019-2020. I was previously the News Editor and have contributed to the section since the beginning of my first year. Now in my third year, SCAN is a huge part of my University life. Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you!

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